Hot Summer? Hot Resumé?

Here in good ole Virginia is it now officially summer or so says the calendar!  By now we are normally used to high temperatures and even higher humidity making it pretty miserable!  This year though, we’ve only had a small dose of summer heat so far and I sure hope it stays that way!  But as we all know, we don’t always get what we want.

Well this is true with regards to your resumé too!  If your resumé isn’t “hot” enough you may not get that new job you want!  So what can you do about that?  You can take a hot summer day and stay inside with the air conditioning and revamp your resumé to make it as hot as it can be for the career path you are seeking.

You may be asking “Well how do I make my resume “hot” for the position I am trying to obtain”?  You simply need to research the job and other similar jobs and see what the common “keywords” are that are in those job ads.  Those keywords are what an applicant tracking system will use to determine if you are pulled into resumé searches by an automated system.  Therefore, your resumé needs to have those keywords embedded in your content and most importantly in your professional summary at the top of your resumé.  The top of the resume is where the recruiter or hiring manager will see the keywords first and grab their attention.  The entire document will be scanned for those keywords by the applicant tracking system.

So my upward career seeking souls…go inside…get some cool air and start revamping that old resume and make it a “hot” one!

Resumés Plus Online is always here to assist you in the event you don’t want to miss a day of fun in the hot summer sun!  Just look us up on our contact page and reach out to us for assistance, we are always ready to help!

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